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SMART Customer Support

We are here to help you: here you’ll find our troubleshooting page to solve any eventual problem with your Trackting SMART

Here you can find solutions to common problems

If you can’t find what you need, click on the HELP button below for answers to your questions or to open a ticket



Alert phone numbers

From which numbers do I get the alarm call?

You will be able to receive the alarm call from one of these four numbers. Save them all in your contacts now: +18304444666 +3907211760423 +3197010240666 +447418372710.

IMPORTANT: We recommend that you set them as starred, so that the phone will ring even if it is in “do not disturb” mode.


How to install Trackting SMART?

Follow the steps described in the following links:

How to install SMART V.2

How to install SMART V.3

Where should I place the device?

For an optimal performance, avoid covering Trackting SMART with large or heavy metal objects (padlocks, chains) and make sure that it is fixed with its labels facing down, to obtain the best satellite signal reception.
It is fine to place the device in the storage area or under the seat of motorcycles, scooters, cars or in trunks.
To avoid false alarms, secure the device with the provided double-sided adhesive tape, available inside the packaging or with the bracket Smart Clip (optional, sold separately for Trackting SMART V2 and V3). On some motorcycles or mopeds with an all-metal body, as in vintage models, it is important to avoid placing the Tracker in a completely closed compartment: operation may be affected by not correctly locking the GPS signal.


If you have bought Trackting SMART V2 or V3 (with the Tag in round shape), the Tracker is water resistant. Otherwise, for the previous version of Trackting SMART, the device is not waterproof, so be sure to place it in an area where it stays protected from atmospheric agents and water.

How to recharge the battery?

1. Connect the Tracker with the USB cable
The Tracker has a lithium battery inside. To charge it, you just need to connect the device with the given USB cable to a smartphone battery charger or directly to a pc.

If the USB connector gets damaged, it is not a case covered by warranty and it could even be a non-repairable issue.

Place the Tracker and plug in the USB and pay attention so that the two tiny teeth are facing upwards (SMART V2 only). If you feel a resistance, do not force it: you are trying to plug it in the wrong way!

If you have SMART V3, the Tracker is equipped with USB-C, so the cable can be inserted either way

2. Charge the Tracker

You will need up to 4 hours, so that the battery can last a good amount of time. When you charge the device, you will see a red light flicker, then, when it is fully charged you will see a constant green light. The status of the Tracker battery icon in the app will not be updated at the same time as the battery is recharged, but only after at least one parking event has been recorded.

WARNING: If the Tracker goes into Alarm mode when it is being charged for some reason (you will realise this when you open the App and notice that the bottom band in the map screen is totally RED), the LED on the Tracker will NOT flash, but will remain permanently lit even if the device is uncharged. Don’t worry because the device will be charging anyway: leave it plugged into the charger for at least 2 hours. To deactivate the alarm: move the Tag closer to the device to return the Tracker to the standard mode.

Can I leave Trackting SMART permanently connected to the battery of my vehicle?

NO, mainly because the device would be easily intercepted by thieves who first look for then neutralize devices that are connected to the battery.
NOT ONLY. The sophisticated charging system guarantees the longest possible battery life as long as the charge discharge cycle is fully respected.
Should the device stay permanently connected it would always be kept in charging mode and the battery could deteriorate rapidly due to the fact that it would never discharge.


Why does the Tracker not send its position repeatedly?

Trackting SMART is a burglar alarm and not a tracker. It is designed to send its position in certain events only (parking, alarm activation and tracking).
To get the most out of the life of your battery, the system limits data transmission to a minimum because communication via the GSM cellular network requires a lot of power.
WHAT IS MORE, Trackting SMART becomes invisible or undetectable by devices used by thieves to find out whether a vehicle has a GPS Theft-Protection or not. These devices are antennas that, when they come in close range to the targeted vehicle, are able detect the signal of an active device. Trackting SMART is undetectable because it becomes active in motion and starts sending alarm notifications to your smartphone as soon as your vehicle starts moving.

How to update the Tracker firmware?

To improve performance we recommend keeping the Tracker updated to the latest firmware version available.
To update your Tracker to the latest version click here


How to pair or unpair a Tag (only for Trackting SMART V.2 and V.3)?
What does the LED light from the Tag mean? (only for SMART V3)

The Tag on the new SMART V3 is equipped with a LED in the centre that flashes in certain cases: these are listed below.
This is a function by which the Tag communicates its status to the user: it is not an indicator of the operation of the Tracker.

Here is when and how the LED on the SMART V3 Tag flashes:
– When a battery is inserted into the Tag, the LED flashes green, blue and red.
– When a Tag is paired, the LED emits 4/5 blue flashes.
– When moving the vehicle with Tracker and Tag close together, they communicate with each other and at that juncture the Tag emits 3 blue flashes, then stops.
– When parking the vehicle, the Tag communicates that it has disconnected from the Tracker and at that juncture emits 3 green flashes, then stops.
Note: This occurs both if the Tag is far from the Tracker and if it remains stationary in the vicinity of the Tracker.
– When the Tag’s battery is running low, while the Tag is moving the LED will emit a double red flash every 10 seconds.

IMPORTANT: If you do not see the LED light, it may be due to the brightness of the environment you are in. Don’t worry: this does not affect the operation of your Tracker.


Where can I find info about my purchase?

For any kind of enquiry about your purchase inside Trackting Store, you can send an email to store[at], as writter in your order confirmation message.
Attention: please do not send any questions about technical issues to this email. For this purpose you can visit the Customer Support page: there, you can find solutions to the most common problems or open a free ticket (red button “Help”).


A parking spot was skipped or lost. What if it happens while in alarm mode?

It has been over 5 minutes since you parked your vehicle and your new parking position does not appear on the App Trackting that continues to show your previous parking position. Usually this does not amount to a problem. It does not mean that Trackting SMART will not work properly in case of theft. Trackting SMART is designed to save battery life. Parking positions are not considered “vital”. If it is not possible to send a Parking position at some time (due to a temporary GSM network overload or because you are parked inside a garage) the device will not attempt to resend the position again and again, but will instead resume to low power mode without further signaling the position.
This will not prevent Trackting SMART from working effectively in Alarm mode because in case of theft, the device will operate in a radically different way: by sending data continuously, by automatically changing operators and by making repeated attempts to send data.

I See “No GPS Coverage” on the App. What Does that Mean? Am I Still Protected?

This happens when the tracker is unable to get a correct GPS position, in a garage for example. Do not worry. Your vehicle is still protected in case of theft: Trackting SMART will alert you immediately and provide an updated location as soon as it locks on to the GPS satellite signal again. The reason it works this way in “Parking” mode is to avoid all unnecessary battery consumption. Therefore, if the device fails to get the correct GPS position in just a few seconds, it goes back to standby mode.
In “Alarm” mode, the goal is very different: we want to read valid positions as soon as possible. This is why the tracker stays on when your vehicle moves, up until it gets a valid GPS position.
N.B. On some motorcycles or mopeds with an all-metal body, as in vintage models, it is important to avoid placing the Tracker in a completely closed compartment: operation may be affected by not correctly locking the GPS signal.

The position of my vehicle is several meters wrong. What Is the GPS accuracy?

In “Parking” mode, the device will use as little battery power as possible and turn the GPS off as soon as it can send a position that is valid but not necessarily precise. Deviation can sometimes run up to 50 meters, but this should not happen often. If it does happen often, it might be because you have not chosen the best place for the Tracker and we recommend that you move it elsewhere in your vehicle (it might be in a spot surrounded by too much metal).

In “Alarm” mode, on the other hand, the device performs at maximum accuracy, producing an average error of about 5 meters in open field. Another factor that can compromise accuracy is the alignment of the Tracker. In fact, to make sure that the antenna is in the best position to receive satellite signals, it is important to position the tracker with its labels down, that is, with the side without screws and labels facing the sky.

Please review this checklist to make sure that the Tracker has been set appropriately.

1. Check that the Tracker is properly aligned (smooth side facing up).

2. Make sure that Tracker is free and that it is not covered by metal bodies or shielding material.

3. Ride around in the open for a couple of minutes.

4. Park somewhere in the open and walk 30 meters away from your vehicle, taking the Tag with you.

5. Wait for the parking notification to arrive, around 5 minutes.

6. Verify if the accuracy of the position on the App.

I don’t get notifications on my phone

If you do not receive push notifications (e.g. when parking), you can simply try to uninstall and reinstall the app Trackting.


1. In some phones, including Huawei and Asus, manufacturers have included an operating system setting that blocks notifications for advanced power saving. To solve this problem just go to the Settings/Battery menu and exclude the Trackting application from this type of optimization. This is a common problem with easy solutions online: just search on Google for “notification problems Huawei P20 lite”.

2. Some third-party software on Android, such as antivirus and notification management softwares, may interfere with your notifications. We recommend removing this type of software to solve the problem.


The alarm went off while driving

If the alarm mode is activated while driving, then the Tag does not connect to the Tracker. When the Tracker detects motion but does not find the Tag, it reads a theft event.
To avoid this situation:

  • Check if the Tag’s battery has low power. You can read how to do that here.
  • To replace the battery of the Tag, read here.
  • With the latest product model, SMART v3, if the Tracker detects movement while the Tag is stationary, an alarm may be triggered, for example while the motorbike is being washed or maintenance is being carried out. Therefore it is important to keep the Tag on with the vehicle; with movement it will remain active and in communication with the Tracker.
  • Never keep the Tag in close contact with your body (for ex. in your pocket) because the human body can shield the signal
  • Is the Tracker too close to metal objects? Try placing it elsewhere.
  • Keyless electronic keys may cause interference; always keep your Keyless electronic key separate from the Tag.

If you have SMART V3, when the battery of the Tag is low, the LED (visible from the outside) will blink red when in motion, you will then need to replace the CR2032 battery


In some cases, if the Tag is on the motobike key-holder, the bike’s shape and the metal (i.e. a large fuel tank) can make the Tag’s signals bounce, and let not reach the Tracker. This causes the false alarms before start riding.
It doesnn’t happen with all vehicles: generally in mopeds

I had a false alarm. The alarm went off, even if my vehicle was stationary

A false alarm is technically impossible in the sense that the device reacts only to motion/vibration. If the digital accelerometer sensor registers motion when the vehicle is stationary, this can only be caused by a faulty installation: if not properly secured, the tracker may vibrate after the passage of heavy vehicles or the ignition of a nearby motorcycle.

This is also the case when the tracker is set on “resonating” surfaces such as

  • Under the seat of an “empty” scooter
  • In car glove compartment

To avoid this problem, you must properly fix the Tracker to your vehicle with the provided double-sided adhesive tape or screws. You also need to secure it to a smooth, rigid plastic surface.

NOTE: To avoid false alarms caused by an accidental impact to your vehicle while parked, the Tracker firware is able to filter this type of vibration from vibrations that occur in an attempted theft or burglary.

I cannot turn the alarm off

To deactivate the alarm you must keep the Tag near the Tracker for at least 15 seconds while the Tracker is moving and proceed in one of the following ways:

  • Shake the Tracker and Tag for at least 15 seconds keeping the Tag close by (do not shake it in your hand as you might shield it)
  • Take your vehicle for a ride bringing the Tag with you.

IMPORTANT: You will NOT deactivate the alarm by simply bringing the red Tag near the black Tracker because the Tracker is designed to read the Tag only if it is on the move.
This is because you do not want the alarm to deactivate itself too easily in case of real theft. If you are tracking down your vehicle and the thief has hidden it, you do not want to deactivate the alarm mode by just passing by the hidden vehicle, you want the alarm mode to work until you find it!


Why has the battery died in less than six months?

The battery will last 6 months in standby mode. Standard use with daily home-work trips and up to 2 parking notifications per day is consistent with a battery life of about 3/4 months. Battery life was tested on a vehicle in city center (GSM cellular signal always very strong) that always parked on the street.

Factors that can adversely affect battery life are:

1. A higher number of parking events (if you park 4 times a day the battery will last about 2 months)

2. Triggering the alarm: in this case, the tracker, if on the move, stays connected to the GSM network and sends its position repeatedly. This clearly causes an increase in battery consumption.

3. Parking in a garage where the GSM or GPS signal is poor or absent: the device will try to connect itself several times using more power.

4. Areas where the GSM cellular signal is usually low.

The Tracker does not charge

It may happen with some chargers (Samsung for example); to avoid damaging the battery, the Tracker needs a very low current otherwise it will not charge.

Solution: Use another charger or use a PC.
We recommend using the cable supplied in the box, because some cables are prevented by a few tenths of mm from connecting to the internal connector due to the design of the plastic plug cover.

How can I control if the Tag's battery is low?

To find out how to check the battery status of the Tag, read here.

How can I replace the Tag's battery?

Follow these simple steps described here

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