Trackting SMART V1: how to update the Tracker firmware?
For optimal performance, we recommend to keep the Tracker updated to the latest available software version.
Updating is easy. Everything is done automatically, all you need is a PC/Mac and a USB cable. Here you find the instructions to update your Tracker at the newest firmware version available (version 1.74 for the previous model of Trackting SMART, the one with Tag in a red drop shape).
PC with Windows 10 or Mac (Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra ,El Capitan, Yosemite) + 1 USB port (please don’t use any USB Hub) You must use the original USB cable provided with the product otherwise the update process can’t start.
Don’t connect the Tracker to the computer now, you will be asked to do it during the process.
1) Download and install the software:
- Windows version here (version 2.06)
- Mac version here (version 2.06)
2) Run the software and follow the instruction on the screen (connect the USB cable only when the software asks for it)
3) Once the process is complete please disconnect the Tracker from the computer
4) Done!
We suggest you to perform a quick park event to check that everything is fine:
1) Shake the Tracker for at least 45 seconds and move it around together with the Tag (red keychain), until reaching a windowsill, a balcony or a place exposed to the sky. Set it down face-up.
2) Take the Tag keychain with you and distance yourself from the Tracker by at least 30 meters. Wait 5 minutes. The Tracker will locate its first “Parking” and will notify your App which will display its the position on the map.
3) Perfect, done!
[WINDOWS] Automatic Windows update must be enabled.
[MAC] You must authorize the installation of our software that can be blocked by Mac. Just go to your system Preference “Security and Privacy” section.